The annual MH/OSTA meeting in Keizer this fall was very informative. Andree Tremoulet and her panel on Aging in Place presented information about in-home care and basic remodeling so that older manufactured home owners can continue living in their homes.
Four directors were re-elected for a two year term: Terry Smith, Rita Loberger, Susan DeLateur, and Gary Walters. The board will elect officers for the 2011-12 year that runs November through October. Any member wishing to be on the governing board needs to get an application from one of the board members and submit it. Contact information is on page 2 of the OSTA Review.
Following lunch, chapters that have adopted a school reported on their efforts and John VanLandingham introduced Rep. Bill Kennemer from Oregon City who spoke. VanLandingham then entertained suggestions for the coalition to consider for the 2013 legislative session. He pointed out that we can't expect the Legislature to consider our issues in their brief 2012 session when all attention will be based on the state budget.
A full report of the meeting will be in the next OSTA Review, which will be mailed to members in early December. Theresa Wingard, the program coordinator for Manufactured Communities Resource Center, the state agency that provides landlord/tenant dispute resolution, also provided useful information.