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MH-OSTA Resources and Referrals

MH/OSTA Resources and Referrals

This list was compiled by members of the board of MH/OSTA as a handy list of agencies and nonprofits that may be of help to manufactured homeowners. It is a “work in progress.” We welcome your feedback. Contact us at (800) 423-9371.

Statewide Resources

Housing Resources

OHCS Manufactured Communities Resource Center  1-800-453-5511

State Agency that provides services and information to residents and landlords of manufactured dwelling parks.

CASA of Oregon  (503)537-0319 ex. 300 for Chelsea

CASA of Oregon assists manufactured home park residents with landlords who are willing to sell with organizing to purchase their park and become a Resident-Owned Community (ROC)

Community Alliance of Tenants (CAT)  Renter’s Hotline: (503) 288-0130

Statewide organization addressing rights of tenants who are not manufactured home owners.

Calls from Portland residents and CAT members receive priority.

Fair Housing Council of Oregon (FHCO)

Fair Housing Hotline: 503/223-8197 (Portland metro area) or 1-800-424-3247

Helps residents who feel that they may have experienced housing discrimination access help.

Legal Aid Services of Oregon (LASO)

Legal Aid Services of Oregon is a non-profit organization that provides representation on civil cases to low-income clients throughout Oregon through its field offices:

Legal aid programs usually serve a county, for example, the Eugene office serves Lane County – Roseburg office serves Douglas County etc.

Albany, (541) 926-867

Bend, (541) 385-6944 or 1-800-678-6944

Eugene, (541) 485-1017

Hillsboro, (503) 640-4115 or 1-877-296-4076

Hillsboro Office Tenant Hotline, (503) 648-7723, Mon. & Wed., 9 AM. to noon

Klamath Falls, (541) 273-0533

Newport, (541) 265-5305 or 1-800-222-3884

Oregon City, (503) 655-2518 or1-800-228-6958

Pendleton, (541) 276-6685 or 1-800-843-1115

Portland, (503) 224-4086 or 1-888-610-8764

Roseburg, (541) 673-1181 or 1-888-668-9406

Salem, (503) 581-5265 or 1-800-359-1845

Jackson County Legal Services, Medford, 541-779-7291

Jackson County Senior Legal Services, Jackson County, 541-779-7000

Medford 541-779-7291

For a map of counties offering legal aid services go to

Housing Services Department at Oregon Housing and Community Services

1-800-453-5511 (option 2, selection 4).

Rebates on energy-star appliances for families of 2 with income of $27,583 or less.

US DA Rural Development Program

Home repair assistance for low-income and senior homeowners in rural areas of Oregon.

Corvallis Rural Development Office: 541-750-7126.

Eugene office: 541-465-6443.



Free number to call for local health and human services information and referral.

Area Agencies on Aging

Local agencies that provides information and assistance for seniors and persons with disabilities. Services vary from place to place.

List of local offices:

Cancer Care Co-Payment Assistance Foundation or


Helps with insurance co-payments for treatment of breast, colorectal, head and neck, non-smallcell lung, pancreatic and renal, and glioblastoma cancers. Some diseases have a $5,000-$10,000 limit.

Community Action Partnership of Oregon

The network of local anti-poverty agencies that provide a wide variety of direct services to families and individuals with low incomes. Services vary from place to place.

Map of local agencies:

Federal Communications Commission


Call if your phone company has been switched without your permission:

Also call Oregon Public Utilities Commission 1-800-522-2404 with complaints. Salem area residents call 503-378-5743.Save your phone bill that has the alleged unauthorized carrier’s charges.

Oregon Prescription Drug Program

Discounts at 1-800-913-4146

Oregon Utility Notification Center   800-332-2344.

Provides at no cost a utility surveyor to mark underground public lines before you dig

Oregon Food Bank

503-282-0555 (Northeast Portland)

503-439-6510 (Northwest Portland/Beaverton)

503-842-3154 (Tillamook County)

541-889-9206 (Southeast Oregon (Ontario area)

Works with a statewide network of food banks to provide food for hungry families.

Local Resources Lane County

Animal Problems

On Sundays and Mondays call police about menacing animals; other days call Lane County Animal Service at 541-682-3645, 682-3646, or 682-3647. In Springfield call 726-3634, in Coburg, 682-7853; in Creswell, 895-2531; in Junction City, Florence, and Cottage Grove call police, in Veneta call 541-935-2191. Greenhill Humane Society, 541-689-1503.

For animal control issues other than a dog or cat, call the Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, 541-726-3515 for advice and referrals. For small pests such as nutria or raccoons, contact a pest or trapping company. To report a dead animal on public property call public works: Lane Co. 541-682-6900, Springfield 541-726-3761, Eugene Public Works, 541-682-4833.

Catholic Community Services in Springfield   (541) 747-8349;

Helps low-income households with heating costs and other problems regardless of religious affiliation.

Community Mediation Services  (541) 344-5366

Provides impartial mediators to help people discuss and solve problems as a voluntary alternative to the court system in a safe, confidential environment.

Food for Lane County  (541) 343-2822

Provides food for hungry people.

Housing Authority & Community Services Agency of Lane Co.  (541) 682-2507

Helps secure Section 8 housing, weatherization, and other housing concerns for low-income citizens, and maintains a job line.

Lane Co. Section 8 Housing (541) 682-3755 for low-income federal housing subsidy

Lane Co. Human Services Commission (541) 682-3798

Provides information about energy assistance and veterans’ services:

Lane Co. Energy Assistance (541) 682-3378

For age 60+, call Campbell Sr. Center, 682-5354; Willamalane Center, 736-4406, or Senior Connections in Cottage Grove, 682-7810, Oakridge, 782-4726, Veneta, 935-2262, or Junction City, 998-8445. SUB, Lane Electric and EWEB also have low-income assistance programs.

Lane Co. Veterans’ Services (541) 682-4191 for counseling/referral.

Lane County Legislators (email all with following form: )

Rep. Nancy Nathanson, House Dis’t 13 (541) 343-2206

Rep Val Hoyle, House Dis’t 14 (541)747-8436

Rep Paul Holvey, Dis’t 8 (541-344-5636

Rep Terry Beyer, Dis’t 12 (541)726-2533

Rep Phil Barnhart, Dis’t 11 (541) 607-9207

Sen. Chris Edwards, Dis’t 7 (541) 800-332-2313

Sen. Floyd Prozanski, Dis’t 4 (541) 342-2447

Sen. Lee Beyer, Dis’t 6 (541) 746-5889

Medications through United Way

Familywize prescription drug discount card 20-30% discounts for those without health insurance


Money Coach Service in Lane Co.


Teaches financial skills, how to create a budget, improve credit rating.

Coordinated by Easter Seals Oregon and AARP

St. Vincent DePaul

541-461-8794 (Eugene); 503-364-3210 (Salem).

Helps with affordable Housing, emergency services, homeless services, recycling programs, retail stores.

Metropolitan Affordable Housing Corporation 

Makes housing available for those at or below 50% of the median income. For information on availability contact the following housing complexes:

In Eugene:

    Prairie View on Danebo Ave. 541-683-0934

    West Town on 8th Ave. 541-485-3273  

    Apple Orchard on Edgewood Dr. 541-461-3060

    Green Leaf Village on Lone Oak Loop Way 541-461-3060

    Woodleaf Village on Woodleaf Lane 541-345-5671

    Oak Leaf Village on Green Lane 541-461-3060

In Springfield:

    The Park at Emerald Green on N. 2nd St. 541-988-0575

    College Corner on W. G St. 541-683-2271


 Offers affordable housing information at the following numbers for low-income homeowners and first-time homebuyers.

Lane County:  541-345-7106 

Florence/Mapleton: 1-888-345-7106

Salem: 503-779-2680

Woodburn area: 1-877-320-1479

Siuslaw Outreach in Florence

(541) 977-2816;

Administers federal funding for the LEAP program (Low Income Home Energy Assistance).

Upper Willamette CDC in Oakridge,

(503) 782-3590. Or call (503) 682-3835 for a recording in English and Spanish.

Administers the Low Income Home Energy Assistance program.

Tree falls on power line or interferes:

EWEB tree trimming: 685-7236;

SUB, 744-3716;

Lane Electric, 484-1151;

Blachly-Lane, 688-8711.

Water Leaks, power outages on public land (not private).

Call a 24-hr. reporting number: EWEB 541-484-2300;

SUB 541-746-8451;

Lane Electric 541-484-1151;

EPUD 541-746-1583;

Blachly-Lane Electric Coop 541-688-8711

Jackson County

Jackson County Senior Resources Directory

541-488-1743 or

Pick up additional copies at Providence Lifeline/Medivan 541-732-5466

Lists all senior services available in Jackson County.

They can be found at the Medford, Central Point and Rogue River senior centers