VIDEO Introducing MH/OSTA


Falcon Wood Village Chapter #901is pleased to announce that it has become active again, after a hiatus of several years due to unforeseen events. Lynne Keith is chapter President; Bill Triggs has again accepted the Vice-President position; Jonnie Stevens continues as Treasurer; and Carene Davis-Stitt will be Secretary. We also welcome Jackie Triggs and John Little as Members-at-Large.

At our first meeting, February 21,  we adopted new By-Laws as the first order of business, according to the OSTA Handbook.

We finalized plans for the Annual Maggie and Jiggs corned beef and cabbage St. Patrick's Day Dinner, held this yearn St. Patrick's Day, March 17.  The dinner was very successful with over 50 paid meals. Everyone had a wonderful time. We feasted on corned beef and cabbage with all the trimmings. (Thank goodness we had it catered!) We had Irish soda bread and Irish music, and some of us even danced a jig  A special thank you to Jo Pauly, who designed all the decorations and even baked three cakes!

I believe I've thanked everyone individually, but it never hurts to say it again, so Thank You to everyone who made the dinner so successful and to those who helped to re-activate our Chapter.

LEADERSHIP TRAINING COURSE in Salem hosted by Marilyn Davis

Marilyn Davis hosted a Leadership training course at Royal MHP in Salem on March 24.
Those in attendance were given an overview of MH/OSTA by Northern District Director Rita Loberger, who also guided them in the use of the website, the blog, how to obtain references as print outs, and how to use the 2011 version of Chapter 90.   Rita works with nationwide organizations on some of our common problems, including funding. The session was so successful that Marilyn and Rita hope to offer it in other areas of the state. Contact them if you're interested.