Keep Meetings Running Smoothly
Terry Smith
Even though it is not mandatory, I strongly believe
in each mobile/manufactured home community chapter having a set of bylaws, and
each board member having a copy of the bylaws. By having the chapter bylaws in
writing, it will help prevent confusion within the chapter and in the community
as to the chapter’s operation in the community.
The chapter bylaws example that follows is easy to
tailor to your chapter’s needs. It is
very important to set times and dates for your board meetings and for your
membership meetings (Article 111 meetings). It is very important to have a
method of amending bylaws (Article 1V amendment to bylaws). It is very
important to have board officers’ and board members’ duties and terms of office
in writing (Article V duties of officers).A chapter needs a plan of operating (bylaws) to become successful and to remain successful and all members need to follow that plan of operation.
Sec. 1 The name of this organization will
(name of park and assigned chapter number)
Of the Manufactured
Housing/Oregon State Tenants Association (MH/OSTA)
Sec. 1 The
purpose of this chapter of MH/OSTA is to advance the interests and protect the
investments of the residents of this community, to engage in any activity the
membership of this chapter deems necessary under the guidelines set forth by
the state organization, and to represent the members of this chapter at State
and District meetings.
Sec. 1 Regular meetings of the Board of Directors
shall be held at times announced by the board at a location accessible to all
General membership
meetings shall be at times announced by the board and at a location accessible
to all members. This shall be a business meeting for all members in good
standing. Non members may be invited if desired.
Sec. 2 All members must be notified of meetings and
those members attending shall constitute a quorum. At least two members of the
executive board must be present to carry out business of the chapter.
Sec. 3 Special meetings may be called by any
executive officer or by one third of the members if there is business that
cannot wait until the next business meeting. Written notice must be posted at
least two days in advance and there must be two officers present.
By-Laws may be amended,
modified or replaced by a majority vote of the membership. Proposed amendments
shall be announced at the meeting prior to the vote to allow the membership to
become familiar with them.
Newly formed MH/OSTA Chapters are encouraged to develop their by-laws within a 6 month period.
Sec.1 The
executive committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary
and Treasurer (Secretary / Treasurer may be combined into a single office if so
determined). Term of office for officers shall be for one or two years, to be decided
by the majority vote of the membership. Officers may, by nomination and
majority vote of the membership, serve consecutive terms.
Term of office for a Board
Member shall be for one or two years decided by the majority vote of the
membership. Board members may, by nomination and majority vote of the
membership serve consecutive terms.
If for any cause, an
officer or board member should be asked to resign, he/she shall be allowed a
hearing before the Board of Directors (Executive Committee if there is no Board
of Directors) and dismissal or removal upon recommendations of the Executive
Committee shall be by a two-thirds vote of the board of directors at the next
regular board meeting. Removal of an officer or board member shall be for the
remaining time left in their term.
Duties of the President:
Arrange meetings of the chapter and conduct business according to the
requirements of the state and chapter by-laws. Appoint committees as needed.
Duties of the
Vice-President: Assist the president and conduct meetings in the absence of the
president. Chair the nominating committee and membership committees.
Duties of the
Secretary/Treasurer: Record the minutes of each meeting and preserve minutes and
correspondence. Collect, bank and dispense chapter monies. Keep accurate
reports of the business of the chapter.
[Note: These by-laws are a
sample only.]