VIDEO Introducing MH/OSTA

If You Itemize Tax Deductions...

Did You Know?
United Way offers a convenient way to support local non-profits via payroll deduction through many local employers. If you or somebody you know works for an employer that participates in the annual United Way pledge drive, please consider designating some or all of your United Way donation to Manufactured Housing/OSTA.  As a 501(c)(3) organization, we’re eligible to receive funding via United Way if OSTA is designated as a donation recipient on the United Way pledge form. Donations help to continue and broaden our programs. If you itemize, you can deduct the entire amount of the United Way donation on your federal and state tax returns.
In case you would like to designate  OSTA    as a United Way donation recipient, our mailing address is P.O.Box 701, Springfield, OR 97477.