VIDEO Introducing MH/OSTA


Don't write a check for dues if you don't have the money in the bank. We are now banking with Chase, and if you are banking with them, too, they'll charge you $34 for a bad check. Unfortunately for OSTA, they also charge us $34 if you don't have the funds to cover your check.
We don't want to lose any members, so if you have problems, contact me or your district director and we'll see what we can work out, like a partial payment. Let's not ever be giving $68 to the bank for a mistake over a $30 membership.                                               


Very interesting and informative issue! One correction - on page 11. I wrote the article about the MCRC not about ReHome. You gave credit to Mike Berg for my article. Did he write the ReHome article? Would you please write a correction in the next issue? And/or send an email correction to your newsletter list? Thank you for provide us with much useful information.

Carene Davis-Stitt, Falcon Wood Village, Eugene
(Ed.'s reply:  Yes, Mike wrote the ReHome article and Carene wrote the article about mediation services at the Manufactured Communities Resource Center. We appreciate our volunteer reporters and cannot give them enough praise and thanks for their help, so this apology is most sincere.)

For Chapters to Use—
The OSTA Quartet 2013  Theme Song
(Tune: “Music, Music Music—Put Another Nickel In”)

Tell a neighbor in your park
If they want to be real smart
They’ll join with you and take their part

We’ll do anything for youse
Send you all our member news
As long as you keep paying dues

To coax a neighbor
To join our group and when they do
We’ll love them just as we love you.

We like to help you all we can
So we give a Helping Hand
You know your wish is our command.

You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours
We’ll even help you with your chores
Give group hugs in threes and fours

We gotta stick together
To see that we are treated right
And if we’re not, then we will fight.

So get out there in your best suit,
Get out there and look real cute,
We challenge you now to recruit

(This song was a real hit at the annual meeting in Canyonville in September. Feel free to perform it at your next chapter meeting. Ability to sing is not a requirement!)










District Meeting Saturday

Oregon State Representatives Nancy Nathanson and Val Hoyle and MH/OSTA Board Member Attorney John VanLandingham will talk on upcoming legislation and other matters at the Lane District Meeting from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 1, at Lakeridge of Eugene. Lakeridge is located at 3355 North Delta Highway. OSTA chapters will share concerns in an open forum led by meeting host, Director Charlie Ricker.

Annual Meeting

10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, September 21, 3013

at Seven Feathers Resort, Canyonville, Oregon

$20 per person if reservations received by September 13. $25 after that.

For questions, call or email Jane (see page 2 of The OSTA Quarterly Review.

SongBrook Community Garden September 1



Members of the Shady Acres/Salem Mobile Estates Chapter appreciate receiving the Fall issue of the OSTA Review. Information reported in the Review on page 11 ...should be corrected [as follows]::
1. The name of our OSTA Chapter is listed as Salem/Shady Acres MHP. The name is Shady Acres/Salem Mobile Estates.
2.  The name of our secretary is Evan Dillon, not Pat Norman....
3.   Barbara Mitchell from Lakeridge did not assist in writing our by-laws. We have not been informed that  
      she was to assist in writing our by-laws. We have written and adopted our by-laws.
We appreciate the opportunity to be a part of MH/OSTA and look forward to receiving future issues of the OSTA Review.
Evan Dillon, Secretary
Shady Acres/Salem Mobile Estates Chapter of MH/OSTA


Under Chapter News in the Fall Quarterly Review of The OSTA, a correction needs to be made to Meadow Park, Corvallis.
Joan Shaw is NOT the Vice-President.  Joan is the Editor of the Meadow Lark, our park newsletter.    The Vice-President of the Meadow Park Residents' Association, Sarah Klein.

Thank you for making the correction.
Keep up the good work; wonderful newsletter!

Judy McDaniel
Meadow Park Residents' Association

Song Brook Community Garden August 1


Eldorado Villa, Tigard experienced a bit of pre July 4th fireworks you NEVER want to see—an electrical fire that destroyed a house in our community. Thank goodness the home was empty and the new residents had not begun to move in. The manager is now looking for another home that might be suitable for the buyers. 

Once the flames were extinguished, the firemen dismantled the siding that remained to make sure the sparks were all foamed out of existence.  They had to use their masks during this procedure as the asbestos in the insulation added to the toxic fumes.  Neighbors had to evacuate their homes as the winds continually changed directions. Siding on a neighboring home was scorched and will require replacement.

What we learned and I pass on to you: 1.Keep up on house insurance payments, 2.Trim shrubs three feet away from hydrants, and 3.Pay for a pre-purchase inspection to catch problems like faulty wiring.

Rita Loberger, Northern District Director


Sorry for the new pop-ups on the blog.  I cannot seem to disable them!

Oregon Park Owners Alliance

Oregon Park Owners Alliance Website

Senior Resource Fair

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customer service hours
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ATRIO Health Plans is a health
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Senior Resource Fair
Tuesday, May 21, 2013, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
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9 a.m.-12 p.m. Senior Resource Vendor Fair
9 a.m.-12 p.m. Lions Club Mobile Eye Center
10 a.m. “Shingles”
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11 a.m. “Medications & Seniors”–
Dr. Tom Culhane
11:30 a.m. Senior Aerobics & Chair Exercise
Care Transitions NWYou’re Invited to our

Shadowbrook mobile home park still recovering from fallen tree


Brochure Available

The Brochure has been added to the Pages section as a tool for promotion.  You can print them on both sides of the paper and tri-fold to distribute to your friends!  Spread the News!!

Sample reaction to the email version

Rita Loberger from Tigard says, Thanks Judy. So much easier to maintain a clean table top when it's not littered with papers. Online works great.

Sample reaction to the email version

Linda Barr from Western Star MHP in Reedsport writes: Wow! I just read through the E-edition of the OSTA Review and it is great. The photos are much clearer than those in the printed edition. I no longer have to buy 3-ring binders to store the printed editions in. Wonderful! Thanks for putting out such a great product.

Spring 2013 OSTA Reviews In Your Mailboxes This Week

If you’ve signed up for electronic delivery, you’ve already received this issue. Next month we hope to leave all pictures for E-version in color!!! As you receive your renewal notices in the mail, you’ll be given the option of signing up for email delivery. You can, however, request email delivery now simply by sending a quick note to Judy (under "Pages" on this Blog is a link). She’ll add you to the email list for the June issue. Meanwhile, members without computers or those who prefer to have a paper copy, will get theirs the same way as usual, through the U.S. Postal Service.

Lee’s MHP Elects New Officers

Joan Stern has been voted president to lead Lee’s OSTA chapter. Serving with her are Dave Bidwell as vice-president, Nancy Burns, secretary, and Marita Ruiz, continuing as treasurer. Although one of the smaller and older parks in Eugene, Lee’s is a shining example of a community where residents care for each other and take pride in the appearance of their homes and spaces. Joan was the first recipient in Lane County of a “Helping Hand” (two new windows). As part of her thank you to MH/OSTA, she speaks about the project at other parks in the county, told about her windows at the state annual meeting, and continues to recruit new members in her park.



This form is located in a link in the left upper corner.
Unfortunately, you cannot save a copy of the filled out document.
You have the option of printing it and sending it with your check to the address at the bottom of the form   OR if you prefer to pay on line we would appreciate you either mail it to us or scan it and email it to  Thank you for choosing MH/OSTA!!