Renewals and other correspondence sent to the Springfield post office box will be forwarded for six months but might be a little slow. Meanwhile, because Judy Morton and Jane and Ken Capron collect the mail and all three live in Eugene, we've decided to have mail delivered to a Eugene post office box.
The new address is:
P.O. Box 24958
Eugene OR 97402
VIDEO Introducing MH/OSTA
2014 Annual
Meeting Songs performed by the OSTA band and chorus
(Chapters are urged to have fun with these songs,
perhaps performing them at a meeting.)
“All Together Now”
Solo: One, two, three, four What are we cheering
for? Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
It’s OSTA!
A,B,C,D Who works hard for you and me? E,F,G,H,I J
It’s OSTA!
Chorus and Band: (Bom bom bom bompa bom) Pay your
(Bompa bom) Fraternize
(Bompa bom) Help your friends
(Bompa bom) Organize!
(All together now) All together now
(All together now) All together now
(All together now) Altogether now
(All together now) Altogether now
Solo: Black, white, red, green, If your landlord is obscene
Pin, brown, yellow, orange, blue, Call Charlie!
(Repeat the 4 “ All together now” lines )
(Bom bom bom) Pay your dues
(Bompa bom) Fraternize
(Bompa bom) Help your friends
(Bompa bom) Organize!
(Repeat the “All together now” lines 8 times
slowing speed and going up the scale on 8th line.
“Yellow Submarine”
Solo: In the park where I reside
Lives a man most happily
And he told us of his life
On rented property.
His house belongs to him
But he rents the space below
And every year he’s learned
That rent will always grow.
We all live in a manufactured house, manufactured house, manufactured house
We all live in a manufactured house, manufactured
house, manufactured house.
Solo: And my friends are in the park
Some of them live next door
And the band begins to play---[band plays free form here for a while]
{Spoken by 3 chorus members] Bingo tonight, Marge. See you at coffee and
donuts, guys, Don’t forget potluck next week.
Solo : As we live a life of ease
Most of us
have all we need
Food and drugs, booze or spouse, in our manufactured
Chorus: We all live in a manufactured house,
manufactured house, manufactured house [repeat 3 more times]
Whiffenpoof Song”
We are a herd of cash cows
Who rent our land
Moo! Moo! Moo! (Audience can join in with kazoos on the” Moos”)
But we stick together
In an OSTA band
Moo! Moo! Moo!
Solo: I’m a homeowner, yes, but my land isn’t free
My rent will rise for eternity
please have mercy on me.
All: Moo! Moo! Moo!
Repeat: We are a herd of cash cows
Who rent our land
Moo! Moo! Moo!
We stick together
In an OSTA band
Slowly and lugubriously: Moo! Moo! Moo!
We're planning an exciting annual meeting for OSTA members at The Village Green in Cottage Grove from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, November 8.
The registration table should be open somewhere between 9 a.m.and 9:30 for early birds to chat and drop off silent auction donations, items, and baskets.The brief business meeting will be at 10. Then it's on to the program, which will include information from Chelsea Catto of Casa of Oregon on what to do if you're interested in buying your park and Legislative plans and review from Rep. Nancy Nathanson, who is a major supporter of manufactured home owners.
For lunch you have a choice of chicken penne with marinara sauce, a /3 lb. hamburger and potato salad, or a vegan stir fry of tofu, fresh vegetables and rice with Teriyaki sauce. There will be cake and coffee. Actually, there will be coffee all day, and the Inn's restaurant will be open for breakfast. Those spending Friday night will get breakfast as part of their room rate.
After lunch to aid your digestion, there will be music of sorts from the OSTA Players, lasting until you boo them off stage.
An afternoon panel on Promoting Neighborhood Villages will feature former State Representative and national board member of OWL, Nancie Fadeley, and residents of several parks telling how they encourage neighborhood care-giving. We expect to hear additional ideas from those attending. Hopefully we can send everyone home with good ways to help each other.
The finale of the day will be a question and answer session on legal issues with Matthew Johnson, attorney and OSTA board member. This will be a return of his popular session last year, so bring your questions.
Then, as frosting on the cake, we'll have the results of the silent auction, again being run by Pat Negus from SongBrook. Hopefully you'll all go home with wonderful buys that you love. Your generous bidding will again aid our Helping Hands program.
There were problems with delivery of the most recent OSTA Quarterly Reviews, so if you haven't received yours, please scroll down the left column of the blog and click on the Fall 2014 issue. If you can't download a registration form, all we need is your name, the name of your park, which of the three entries you want on your plate lunch, and your $20 registration fee.You can also email me with questions. --Jane Capron
Let's have a wonderful day!
The registration table should be open somewhere between 9 a.m.and 9:30 for early birds to chat and drop off silent auction donations, items, and baskets.The brief business meeting will be at 10. Then it's on to the program, which will include information from Chelsea Catto of Casa of Oregon on what to do if you're interested in buying your park and Legislative plans and review from Rep. Nancy Nathanson, who is a major supporter of manufactured home owners.
For lunch you have a choice of chicken penne with marinara sauce, a /3 lb. hamburger and potato salad, or a vegan stir fry of tofu, fresh vegetables and rice with Teriyaki sauce. There will be cake and coffee. Actually, there will be coffee all day, and the Inn's restaurant will be open for breakfast. Those spending Friday night will get breakfast as part of their room rate.
After lunch to aid your digestion, there will be music of sorts from the OSTA Players, lasting until you boo them off stage.
An afternoon panel on Promoting Neighborhood Villages will feature former State Representative and national board member of OWL, Nancie Fadeley, and residents of several parks telling how they encourage neighborhood care-giving. We expect to hear additional ideas from those attending. Hopefully we can send everyone home with good ways to help each other.
The finale of the day will be a question and answer session on legal issues with Matthew Johnson, attorney and OSTA board member. This will be a return of his popular session last year, so bring your questions.
Then, as frosting on the cake, we'll have the results of the silent auction, again being run by Pat Negus from SongBrook. Hopefully you'll all go home with wonderful buys that you love. Your generous bidding will again aid our Helping Hands program.
There were problems with delivery of the most recent OSTA Quarterly Reviews, so if you haven't received yours, please scroll down the left column of the blog and click on the Fall 2014 issue. If you can't download a registration form, all we need is your name, the name of your park, which of the three entries you want on your plate lunch, and your $20 registration fee.You can also email me with questions. --Jane Capron
Let's have a wonderful day!
you want to buy your park…
Purchase Letters Need to be Sent
Until January 1, 2015, when the new statute on
Opportunity to Purchase goes into effect, a park purchase committee still needs
to send a yearly letter to the owner asking to be notified if the park goes up
for sale. After January 1, park owners will be legally obligated to notify residents
or a resident committee about possible sales.
Hi, OSTA Members!
Just a little update to let you know what's happening with your OSTA state board. First, we had our last board meeting via Skype, the online site that lets us see and talk to each other. While we're not yet quite sure we like it, we will keep trying to meet with our computers because it's save all kinds of travel money. That's savings we can use for such things as Helping Hands.
Speaking of Helping Hands, I'm disappointed that we're not getting an extra $1 or so from members when they send in their renewals. If we ever, ever get some corporate funding, we need to show that our members support this program. I collected over $5 at our community garage sale for Helping Hands and hit up my chapter's members at our meetings. Rita collected some in her park and sent it in, and a couple of chapters presidents have promised to also put out donation baskets at meetings. We're not looking for a lot of money, although I have to tell you that our state board members donated very generously. If you send in any, please count every person in your household and any relatives that also give you 25 or 50 cents or even a dime. Like I said, it doesn't have to be much. We need numbers!
Of course that's what we say about OSTA membership: the more members we have, the stronger we are!
I'm working on the next OSTA Quarterly Review right now and have asked all my helpful people, chapter presidents and representatives, to send in news about what they're doing. I hope you all enjoy reading these little blurbs. We will have a new mediator writing for us starting this issue. "Memo from Marlena" replaces "Ask Aandy." Anndy retired. We'll miss her, but I think you'll like Marlena's column. If you like Gus Daum's "Thoughts on Aging," I'm sure he'd like to know that. Send me a little note and I'll pass it on. Also my granddaughter, Jacqueline, is still writing and is a loyal OSTA member. She won't be a little kid much longer; she's almost a teenager. So I'll be looking for another kid who likes to write. Teenagers get pretty busy. Jacqueline and her father played a classical cello duet at a gathering this summer. A couple of you have sent her little notes through me, and she was very pleased to get them.
We're also putting together the annual meeting. Read all about it in this next OSTA Quarterly Review. It isn't until Nov. 8, so you'll have to mark your calendars in big red letters so you don't forget. Also, this year you'll need to tell me what you want for lunch as we'll have a choice of three plates. The entertainment, which is always awesome, will be spectacular this year! And we'll have the silent auction again, so bring a little extra money and whatever goodies you think will sell. Last year all auction proceeds went to Helping Hands.
I have no idea how many of you read the blog, but I sure hope some of you do! Let us know! --Jane
Just a little update to let you know what's happening with your OSTA state board. First, we had our last board meeting via Skype, the online site that lets us see and talk to each other. While we're not yet quite sure we like it, we will keep trying to meet with our computers because it's save all kinds of travel money. That's savings we can use for such things as Helping Hands.
Speaking of Helping Hands, I'm disappointed that we're not getting an extra $1 or so from members when they send in their renewals. If we ever, ever get some corporate funding, we need to show that our members support this program. I collected over $5 at our community garage sale for Helping Hands and hit up my chapter's members at our meetings. Rita collected some in her park and sent it in, and a couple of chapters presidents have promised to also put out donation baskets at meetings. We're not looking for a lot of money, although I have to tell you that our state board members donated very generously. If you send in any, please count every person in your household and any relatives that also give you 25 or 50 cents or even a dime. Like I said, it doesn't have to be much. We need numbers!
Of course that's what we say about OSTA membership: the more members we have, the stronger we are!
I'm working on the next OSTA Quarterly Review right now and have asked all my helpful people, chapter presidents and representatives, to send in news about what they're doing. I hope you all enjoy reading these little blurbs. We will have a new mediator writing for us starting this issue. "Memo from Marlena" replaces "Ask Aandy." Anndy retired. We'll miss her, but I think you'll like Marlena's column. If you like Gus Daum's "Thoughts on Aging," I'm sure he'd like to know that. Send me a little note and I'll pass it on. Also my granddaughter, Jacqueline, is still writing and is a loyal OSTA member. She won't be a little kid much longer; she's almost a teenager. So I'll be looking for another kid who likes to write. Teenagers get pretty busy. Jacqueline and her father played a classical cello duet at a gathering this summer. A couple of you have sent her little notes through me, and she was very pleased to get them.
We're also putting together the annual meeting. Read all about it in this next OSTA Quarterly Review. It isn't until Nov. 8, so you'll have to mark your calendars in big red letters so you don't forget. Also, this year you'll need to tell me what you want for lunch as we'll have a choice of three plates. The entertainment, which is always awesome, will be spectacular this year! And we'll have the silent auction again, so bring a little extra money and whatever goodies you think will sell. Last year all auction proceeds went to Helping Hands.
I have no idea how many of you read the blog, but I sure hope some of you do! Let us know! --Jane
The Summer, 2014 OSTA Quarterly Review Coming Soon!
The next issue of The OSTA Quarterly Review due out June 1, will be a bit late because we're waiting to take a picture of the Governor signing the Opportunity to Purchase bill. That is scheduled to happen on May 29 and we want to get a celebration picture to put on the front page. The Review will go to the printer on June 1, so those of you who get copies in your P.O. boxes should receive them the second week of June. Those of you who chose the email version should get it on June 1.
We always enjoy your comments that come to our P.O. box or email inboxes, especially when they're nice! And, of course, we're thrilled when you send a donation for Helping Hands and make the temperature rise on the thermometers you see to the left of your screen. We've got a long way to go to get 1,000 donations. Please count everybody in your house when you send in yours. And if your friends and relatives add a bit, be sure to count them, too. We like offering a Helping Hand and want to continue as long as we have the funds.
We always enjoy your comments that come to our P.O. box or email inboxes, especially when they're nice! And, of course, we're thrilled when you send a donation for Helping Hands and make the temperature rise on the thermometers you see to the left of your screen. We've got a long way to go to get 1,000 donations. Please count everybody in your house when you send in yours. And if your friends and relatives add a bit, be sure to count them, too. We like offering a Helping Hand and want to continue as long as we have the funds.
All of us pitching in a little helps a lot!
Lawyers Help Jackson County Residents
The Center for Non-Profit Legal Services in Medford has an ongoing program to help people who can't afford to hire lawyers to solve complex legal problems. In Jackson County, 137 lawyers (out of 300) have donated $26,321 to a legal defense fund to support cases involving child custody, immigration, landlord/tenant disputes, and other issues. Statewide the Campaign for Equal Justice has raised $1.25 million for pro bono work with more being donated in Jackson County than in any other county. Legal Services has helped 40 young people file applications for legal residence in the valley.
Aging in Place in Southern Oregon
On April 26 AARP is offering information about making your home safe and convenient with workshops on how to install age-friendly features. To register go to
AARP also sponsors the Age-Friendly Rogue Valley series on community-access station RVTV on second Thursdays through June.
AARP also sponsors the Age-Friendly Rogue Valley series on community-access station RVTV on second Thursdays through June.
Lane District MH/OSTA Meeting
10 a.m.—noon
Saturday, March 29
Gainsborough MHP, Eugene
Topics include:
Emergency Preparedness
Opportunity to Purchase
Hazard Trees
Chapter Reports/Activities
Gainsborough is located at 2555 Lansdown Rd. in Eugene. Take the Northwest Expressway north to Irving Rd. and turn right. Please inform others in your park. Feel free to contact me or Ron Meyers with questions.
--Jane Capron
House Okays Amendments
Yesterday, March 5, the House approved the amended Opportunity to Purchase Bill and it will now be on its way to the Governor for his signature. Special thanks go to all who worked so hard for this chance for us to buy our parks, especially John Van Landingham and Representatives Nancy Nathanson and Gene Whisnant, who refused to give up on the defeat we had suffered trying to pass a similar bill in the 2013 session. Thanks also to all of you who contacted your Senators urging and thanking them for supporting you.
A summary of the amendments follows as provided by John Van Landingham with his comments in italics:
The 4038 A8 amendments are agreed to by all the interested parties. Note that LC has done a "gut and stuff" of Sections 1 and 2 of the bill to implement these amendments, because of the many small changes implementing the tenant-committee change discussed in #2 below:
1. Inclusion of LLC's in the exemptions from the process (Section 4)
2. Establishment & identification of a single tenants committee (Section 1 (4) and Section 2 (1)
3. Removal of the emergency clause. The new effective date will be January 1, 2015. (Section 20)
A summary of the amendments follows as provided by John Van Landingham with his comments in italics:
The 4038 A8 amendments are agreed to by all the interested parties. Note that LC has done a "gut and stuff" of Sections 1 and 2 of the bill to implement these amendments, because of the many small changes implementing the tenant-committee change discussed in #2 below:
1. Inclusion of LLC's in the exemptions from the process (Section 4)
Add a new (e) to
the list of exemptions in Section 4 of the bill on page 4, lines
1-15: "Any sale or transfer of an interest in a limited
liability company to any of the limited liability company’s members."
Note: This
change is simply to exempt a transfer/sale within an LLC, from one LLC member
to another, as we already provide for with partnerships and corporations.\
2. Establishment & identification of a single tenants committee (Section 1 (4) and Section 2 (1)
that in order for the tenants to have an opportunity to compete to
purchase the park, during the first 10-day period after the owner’s notice of
interest in selling, the tenants must “form a tenants committee” if none
already exists, for the purpose of purchasing the park, and that there can be
only one (1) tenants committee eligible to participate in the process and
request financial information. This change is made in Section (1) (4) regarding
the owner’s notice to the tenants and in Section 2 (1) regarding the tenants’
duties during the initial 10-day period.
Practically speaking, that’s the way this would have to work anyway, in order
for tenants to be able to seek funding and engage in negotiations with an
owner. And our experience is that there are not more than one of these
efforts among the tenants anyway. Committees are not defined, and are informal
groups of people; a “tenant committee” could be two tenants who are interested
in exploring the possibility of purchasing the park. This change minimizes the
risk to owners of multiple contacts and requests from multiple tenants. The A8
amendments make other related changes to the bill to implement this second
3. Removal of the emergency clause. The new effective date will be January 1, 2015. (Section 20)
"Opportunity to Pass" Passes Senate!
The Senate voted 30-0 to pass the amended HB 4038 and the bill, now HB4038-B, is today (March 5) on the House Desk awaiting a third reading in that chamber. Part of the staff summary prepared for the Senate Committee on Rules for their meeting Feb. 27, follows:
WHAT THE MEASURE DOES: Requires manufactured dwelling park owner give written notice as specified in measure, to park tenants and Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS), of owner’s interest in selling park prior to marketing or considering offers. Requires tenants respond in writing as specified, within ten days if interested in competing to purchase park. Requires establishment and identification of "tenants committee" for purpose of requesting financial information and negotiating purchase. Requires owner to disclose specified information within seven days of request. Specifies process for maintaining confidentiality of information. Requires commercially reasonable conduct of parties. Specifies remedies available to parties for noncompliance. Does not apply to other transfers of ownership of park. Permits other parties to rely on park owner’s recordation of affidavit of compliance with measure’s notice requirements. Requires OHCS make specified information available to park tenants. Clarifies statutes governing sales of marinas to purchase associations.
EFFECT OF COMMITTEE AMENDMENT: Includes transfer or sale of park within LLC in exemptions. Requires establishment and identification of tenants committee, if none already exists, for purpose of purchasing park and requesting financial information. Removes emergency clause.
WHAT THE MEASURE DOES: Requires manufactured dwelling park owner give written notice as specified in measure, to park tenants and Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS), of owner’s interest in selling park prior to marketing or considering offers. Requires tenants respond in writing as specified, within ten days if interested in competing to purchase park. Requires establishment and identification of "tenants committee" for purpose of requesting financial information and negotiating purchase. Requires owner to disclose specified information within seven days of request. Specifies process for maintaining confidentiality of information. Requires commercially reasonable conduct of parties. Specifies remedies available to parties for noncompliance. Does not apply to other transfers of ownership of park. Permits other parties to rely on park owner’s recordation of affidavit of compliance with measure’s notice requirements. Requires OHCS make specified information available to park tenants. Clarifies statutes governing sales of marinas to purchase associations.
EFFECT OF COMMITTEE AMENDMENT: Includes transfer or sale of park within LLC in exemptions. Requires establishment and identification of tenants committee, if none already exists, for purpose of purchasing park and requesting financial information. Removes emergency clause.
HB 4038 History through Feb. 28
Those of you who get the OSTA Quarterly Review via email already know to look here for updates on the Opportunity to Purchase HB 4038. Hopefully, before the Legislature adjourns, which is supposed to be March 5,there'll be time for a vote on the amended bill in the Senate and approval of the amendments by the House. We'll print the amendments if the Legislature passes the bill and sends it on to the Governor.
Measure activity
Measure activity
Feb 3, 2014: First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
Feb 3, 2014: Referred to Human Services and Housing.
Feb 3, 2014: Public Hearing held.
Feb 5, 2014: Public Hearing and Work Session held.
Feb 10, 2014: Recommendation: Do pass with amendments and be printed A-Engrossed.
Feb 10, 2014: Second reading.
Feb 11, 2014: Third reading. Carried by Nathanson, Whisnant. Passed.
Feb 12, 2014: First reading. Referred to President's desk.
Feb 13, 2014: Referred to General Government, Consumer and Small Business Protection.
Feb 17, 2014: Public Hearing and Work Session held.
Feb 19, 2014: Recommendation: Do pass the A-Eng bill.
Feb 19, 2014: Minority Recommendation: Do pass with amendments to the A-Eng. bill. (Printed B-Eng Minority)
Feb 20, 2014: Second reading.
Feb 21, 2014: Taken from 02-21 Calendar and placed on 02-24 Calendar on voice vote.
Feb 24, 2014: Taken from 02-24 Calendar and placed on 02-25 Calendar on voice vote.
Feb 25, 2014: Motion to refer to Rules carried.
Feb 27, 2014: Work Session held.
Feb 28, 2014: Recommendation: Do pass with amendments to the A-Eng. bill. (Printed B-Eng.)
WRITE YOUR SENATOR! HB 4038A Needs Your Immediate Support
Dear OSTA Members: There’s still time to
contact the following Senators to urge them to vote FOR or YES on HB4038A.
Senator Hass has already indicated he’s with us! We should have the chance to
offer to buy our parks should they be offered for sale. We live in the parks,
we care what happens to them, we want to age in place and be secure. The vote is Thursday, Feb. 20. Please help us help you!
--Jane Capron, OSTA board member
effort leads to compromise on Opportunity to Purchase legislation
SALEM – On February 11, 2014, the Oregon House of
Representatives passed legislation to help Oregonians living in manufactured
homes find out if their park is for sale, and to allow a short time for
residents to put together an offer to buy the park.
Oregon has more than 1,100 manufactured
home parks throughout the state, providing more than 63,000 residential spaces
for affordable housing.
“Affordable housing is a critical issue
for working families,” Rep. Whisnant said. “This bill addresses concerns of
park owners and park tenants so this housing option is maintained for many of
our citizens.”
HB 4038 passed the House unanimously and
now moves to the Senate for consideration.
# # #
Calling All Manufactured Home Owner Activists, Letter Writers, and Residents Tired of Constant Rent Increases
Are you interested in working
on National Manufactured Home Owners of America's REIT/Retirement Security Campaign?
NMHOA has been partnering with the
Center for Community Change (CCC) for the past two years. The initial focus of
the work was the intersection between seniors residing in communities owned by
Equity Lifestyle Properties, Inc. (ELS) and the ever-increasing rents that seniors
on fixed retirement security incomes were required to pay. Over time the
Campaign has evolved to target other Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) who
are treating home owners unfairly and especially seniors who social security is
being threatened at the same time as their rents are being increased above the
cost of living. NMHOA and CCC are planning our next action and if you
would like to be involved (whether or not you live in a REIT-owned community),
please contact Pam Bournival (
for more information. Also check out for up-to-date information on the
(This information comes from Rita Loberger, our representative to NMHOA, and might be a project for your OSTA chapters.)
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