VIDEO Introducing MH/OSTA

Hi, OSTA Members!
Just a little update to let you know what's happening with your OSTA state board. First, we had our last board meeting via Skype, the online site that lets us see and talk to each other. While we're not yet quite sure we like it, we will keep trying to meet with our computers because it's save all kinds of travel money. That's savings we can use for such things as Helping Hands.

Speaking of Helping Hands, I'm disappointed that we're not getting an extra $1 or so from members when they send in their renewals. If we ever, ever get some corporate funding, we need to show that our members support this program. I collected over $5 at our community garage sale for Helping Hands and hit up my chapter's members at our meetings. Rita collected some in her park and sent it in, and a couple of chapters presidents have promised to also put out donation baskets at meetings. We're not looking for a lot of money, although I have to tell you that our state board members donated very generously. If you send in any, please count every person in your household and any relatives that also give you 25 or 50 cents or even a dime. Like I said, it doesn't have to be much. We need numbers!

Of course that's what we say about OSTA membership: the more members we have, the stronger we are!

I'm working on the next OSTA Quarterly Review right now and have asked all my helpful people, chapter presidents and representatives, to send in news about what they're doing. I hope you all enjoy reading these little blurbs. We will have a new mediator writing for us starting this issue. "Memo from Marlena" replaces "Ask Aandy." Anndy retired. We'll miss her, but I think you'll like Marlena's column. If you like Gus Daum's "Thoughts on Aging," I'm sure he'd like to know that. Send me a little note and I'll pass it on. Also my granddaughter, Jacqueline, is still writing and is a loyal OSTA member. She won't be a little kid much longer; she's almost a teenager. So I'll be looking for another kid who likes to write. Teenagers get pretty busy. Jacqueline and her father played a classical cello duet at a gathering this summer. A couple of you have sent her little notes through me, and she was very pleased to get them.

We're also putting together the annual meeting. Read all about it in this next OSTA Quarterly Review. It isn't until Nov. 8, so you'll have to mark your calendars in big red letters so you don't forget. Also, this year you'll need to tell me what you want for lunch as we'll have a choice of three plates. The entertainment, which is always awesome, will be spectacular this year! And we'll have the silent auction again, so bring a little extra money and whatever goodies you think will sell. Last year all auction proceeds went to Helping Hands.

I have no idea how many of you read the blog, but I sure hope some of you do! Let us know! --Jane