2014 Annual
Meeting Songs performed by the OSTA band and chorus
(Chapters are urged to have fun with these songs,
perhaps performing them at a meeting.)
“All Together Now”
Solo: One, two, three, four What are we cheering
for? Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
It’s OSTA!
A,B,C,D Who works hard for you and me? E,F,G,H,I J
It’s OSTA!
Chorus and Band: (Bom bom bom bompa bom) Pay your
(Bompa bom) Fraternize
(Bompa bom) Help your friends
(Bompa bom) Organize!
(All together now) All together now
(All together now) All together now
(All together now) Altogether now
(All together now) Altogether now
Solo: Black, white, red, green, If your landlord is obscene
Pin, brown, yellow, orange, blue, Call Charlie!
(Repeat the 4 “ All together now” lines )
(Bom bom bom) Pay your dues
(Bompa bom) Fraternize
(Bompa bom) Help your friends
(Bompa bom) Organize!
(Repeat the “All together now” lines 8 times
slowing speed and going up the scale on 8th line.
“Yellow Submarine”
Solo: In the park where I reside
Lives a man most happily
And he told us of his life
On rented property.
His house belongs to him
But he rents the space below
And every year he’s learned
That rent will always grow.
We all live in a manufactured house, manufactured house, manufactured house
We all live in a manufactured house, manufactured
house, manufactured house.
Solo: And my friends are in the park
Some of them live next door
And the band begins to play---[band plays free form here for a while]
{Spoken by 3 chorus members] Bingo tonight, Marge. See you at coffee and
donuts, guys, Don’t forget potluck next week.
Solo : As we live a life of ease
Most of us
have all we need
Food and drugs, booze or spouse, in our manufactured
Chorus: We all live in a manufactured house,
manufactured house, manufactured house [repeat 3 more times]
Whiffenpoof Song”
We are a herd of cash cows
Who rent our land
Moo! Moo! Moo! (Audience can join in with kazoos on the” Moos”)
But we stick together
In an OSTA band
Moo! Moo! Moo!
Solo: I’m a homeowner, yes, but my land isn’t free
My rent will rise for eternity
please have mercy on me.
All: Moo! Moo! Moo!
Repeat: We are a herd of cash cows
Who rent our land
Moo! Moo! Moo!
We stick together
In an OSTA band
Slowly and lugubriously: Moo! Moo! Moo!