VIDEO Introducing MH/OSTA

Calling All  Manufactured Home Owner Activists, Letter Writers, and Residents Tired of Constant Rent Increases


Are you interested in working on National Manufactured Home Owners of America's REIT/Retirement Security Campaign?   

NMHOA has been partnering with the Center for Community Change (CCC) for the past two years. The initial focus of the work was the intersection between seniors residing in communities owned by Equity Lifestyle Properties, Inc. (ELS) and the ever-increasing rents that seniors on fixed retirement security incomes were required to pay.  Over time the Campaign has evolved to target other Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) who are treating home owners unfairly and especially seniors who social security is being threatened at the same time as their rents are being increased above the cost of living.  NMHOA and CCC are planning our next action and if you would like to be involved (whether or not you live in a REIT-owned community), please contact Pam Bournival ( for more information.  Also check out for up-to-date information on the Campaign.
 (This information comes from Rita Loberger, our representative to NMHOA, and might be a project for your OSTA chapters.)