VIDEO Introducing MH/OSTA

If You Itemize Tax Deductions...

Did You Know?
United Way offers a convenient way to support local non-profits via payroll deduction through many local employers. If you or somebody you know works for an employer that participates in the annual United Way pledge drive, please consider designating some or all of your United Way donation to Manufactured Housing/OSTA.  As a 501(c)(3) organization, we’re eligible to receive funding via United Way if OSTA is designated as a donation recipient on the United Way pledge form. Donations help to continue and broaden our programs. If you itemize, you can deduct the entire amount of the United Way donation on your federal and state tax returns.
In case you would like to designate  OSTA    as a United Way donation recipient, our mailing address is P.O.Box 701, Springfield, OR 97477.

New OSTA REVIEWS coming soon thanks to Judy!

Judy Morton, our newest MH/OSTA board member and computer whiz, stepped in at the last minute to do the layout of the Winter, 2013, OSTA REVIEW, arriving in your mailboxes about December 5. When the edition was ready to send to the graphic arts department at the press, the editor was informed there was no longer a graphic arts department! That when a plea went out to Judy, who dropped everything and educated herself on the intricacies of laying out our 16-page newsletter.

Readers will be able to access the new edition, along with previous issues, through the listing on the left of this blog site, and see what a great job Judy did. I really, really appreciate her work, and I hope some of you readers could let her know she did good.                                                     --Jane Capron, editor

2013 MH/OSTA Board Officers Elected to Serve You

On November 28, 2012, the board elected Gary Walters to the position of MH/OSTA president to serve during the 2012-2013 year. Gary had been the vice-president and will continue as Southern Oregon district director.
Rita Loberger was elected vice-president for the ensuing year. She will continue as district director for Northern Oregon. Jane Capron, secretary, and John Van Landingham, treasurer, were re-elected to their positions.
The entire MH/OSTA board is dedicated to helping all Oregonians who own their homes and rent the land under them. Our success depends on the support we get from you. Your support is what keeps our organization strong. Remember that any donations you send before January 1 are tax-deductible for 2012.


If you’re planning on attending the annual meeting on October 20 and haven’t yet sent in your registration, email or call Jane to let her know, and do it right now! Her contact information is on page 2 of The OSTA Review.

After October 10 the registration goes up to $25. We need to make lunch reservations and don’t want anyone having to bring a sack lunch!

We’ve got an exciting day featuring a great program, your auction items, and excellent food.


By-Laws Keep Meetings Running Smoothly
from Terry Smith

Even though it is not mandatory, I strongly believe in each mobile/manufactured home community chapter having a set of bylaws, and each board member having a copy of the bylaws. By having the chapter bylaws in writing, it will help prevent confusion within the chapter and in the community as to the chapter’s operation in the community.
The chapter bylaws example that follows is easy to tailor to your chapter’s needs.  It is very important to set times and dates for your board meetings and for your membership meetings (Article 111 meetings). It is very important to have a method of amending bylaws (Article 1V amendment to bylaws). It is very important to have board officers’ and board members’ duties and terms of office in writing (Article V duties of officers).

 A chapter needs a plan of operating (bylaws) to become successful and to remain successful and all members need to follow that plan of operation.

 Sample Chapter By-Laws (Optional)

 Chapter By-Laws



Sec. 1   The name of this organization will be:_________________________
                                           (name of park and assigned chapter number)

Of the Manufactured Housing/Oregon State Tenants Association (MH/OSTA)


Sec. 1   The purpose of this chapter of MH/OSTA is to advance the interests and protect the investments of the residents of this community, to engage in any activity the membership of this chapter deems necessary under the guidelines set forth by the state organization, and to represent the members of this chapter at State and District meetings.


Sec. 1   Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at times announced by the board at a location accessible to all Directors

General membership meetings shall be at times announced by the board and at a location accessible to all members. This shall be a business meeting for all members in good standing. Non members may be invited if desired.

Sec. 2   All members must be notified of meetings and those members attending shall constitute a quorum. At least two members of the executive board must be present to carry out business of the chapter.

Sec. 3   Special meetings may be called by any executive officer or by one third of the members if there is business that cannot wait until the next business meeting. Written notice must be posted at least two days in advance and there must be two officers present.

                                                   ARTICLE 1V---AMENDMENT TO BY-LAWS

By-Laws may be amended, modified or replaced by a majority vote of the membership. Proposed amendments shall be announced at the meeting prior to the vote to allow the membership to become familiar with them.
Newly formed MH/OSTA Chapters are encouraged to develop their by-laws within a 6 month period.


Sec.1   The executive committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer (Secretary / Treasurer may be combined into a single office if so determined). Term of office for officers shall be for one or two years, to be decided by the majority vote of the membership. Officers may, by nomination and majority vote of the membership, serve consecutive terms.

Term of office for a Board Member shall be for one or two years decided by the majority vote of the membership. Board members may, by nomination and majority vote of the membership serve consecutive terms.

If for any cause, an officer or board member should be asked to resign, he/she shall be allowed a hearing before the Board of Directors (Executive Committee if there is no Board of Directors) and dismissal or removal upon recommendations of the Executive Committee shall be by a two-thirds vote of the board of directors at the next regular board meeting. Removal of an officer or board member shall be for the remaining time left in their term.

Duties of the President: Arrange meetings of the chapter and conduct business according to the requirements of the state and chapter by-laws. Appoint committees as needed.

Duties of the Vice-President: Assist the president and conduct meetings in the absence of the president. Chair the nominating committee and membership committees.

Duties of the Secretary/Treasurer: Record the minutes of each meeting and preserve minutes and correspondence. Collect, bank and dispense chapter monies. Keep accurate reports of the business of the chapter.

[Note: These by-laws are a sample only.]



OSTA members who would like to be considered for a position as a director on the state board need to fill out an application and be interviewed at a monthly board meeting. The membership will be voting on directors at the state meeting on October 20. For an applicant to be considered for election this year, the application must be submitted as soon as possible and the interview conducted at the board meeting on September 12. Contact Jane Capron for an application.
MH/OSTA just received the following letter (greeting and name of park deleted) from members in a Salem-area Park. We want to share it so everyone will know that our District Directors do whatever they can to help people who own their homes but rent the land under them.  We hope all you Polk and Marion County members will support Marilyn, your director, by encouraging your neighbors to join OSTA.  We help OSTA as we help ourselves, and your directors are part of your team.

Dear _____,
Several months ago we contacted OSTA for some help with our park and were contacted by the current District Director, Marilyn Davis.  We met with Marilyn and Susan DeLateur early this year.  They gave generously of their time looking through our rental agreements, rules, and documentation of events here in the park and gave us guidelines to begin to work our way through the issues.  To be honest, we were all very angry, and our original intent in wanting OSTA in our park was in hopes of putting an end to what seemed to us to be a bit of bullying, retaliation actions, threats, being lied about, and so on.  Our attitude was ‘let’s get them’, believing somehow we could be vindicated and life here in the park would return to normalcy.  Life here in the park hasn’t returned to normalcy, but changes have happened.  They’ve happened in us.  Through the gentle, positive, upbeat way Marilyn has, we have been able to view the situation in a new way.   She has turned our ‘intent’ to one of bringing healing to our park by doing positive, good things.  The stress we seemed to carry everyday has been turned to excitement.  We are looking forward to offering some fun, uplifting events to the park that will lift the spirits of all, with great anticipation.  Who woulda thought! 

Your decision to choose Marilyn Davis as your new District Director was a wise one.  It’s hard to find words to express our gratitude for her patience as we worked through our anger, discouragement and, at times, through our tears.  She waited for us, encouraging us, empathizing and accepting, working always to change our perspective, until she brought us to a place where we could see light.  The circumstances in the park haven’t changed, but we are no longer ‘under the circumstances’.  We have risen above them!  We have been empowered!  We are amazed!  You can’t purchase this with money.  You just need someone like Marilyn.  You should be proud to know she is out in communities representing OSTA in such a professional, helpful, life-changing manner. 

Jan Hurst
Becky Strom
Donna Barley
Lori Dollarhide
Plans are now underway for the MH/OSTA annual meeting. Mark your calendar for October 20 at the newly remodeled Shadow Hills Country Club in Junction City. And start considering donations for the silent auction that day. We get many great bargains and the organization makes a little money on your wonderful baskets and other items.  
Judy Morton, OSTA board member and mh-osta blog administrator, is recovering from serious but successful surgery. We wish her a speedy recovery, both for her sake and for ours! Meanwhile Paula Chambers, our Call Log administrator from Central Point, will attempt to handle the posting of blogs.
                                                                                                          --from Jane Capron 6-26-12

Congratulations to the new owners of Vida Lea Mobile Home Park in Leaburg,

Congratulations to the new owners of Vida Lea Mobile Home Park in Leaburg, just up the river from Eugene. Residents of one ofour Lane County neighbor parks have bought their park and can now control their own destiny. Way to go!


Download the 2012 SUMMER OSTA REVIEW with the link on the left under MH-OSTA REVIEWS

engAGE in Community Expo

At the invitation of Bandana Shrestha and the AARP organization, Director Rita Loberger
attended the engAGE in Community Expo at Providence in Oregon City on May 31st.
The panel discussion revolved around 'aging in place' in the Portland area, which as
many of you recall was the theme of last years convention.  Also on the panel was Brenda
Jose of Unlimited Choices.
The day long event gave us a chance to meet many people.  Among them was Bob
Reeves, a fellow speaker and president of his OSTA chapter in Welches.
The programs consisted of:
     Preventing the misuse of prescription meds.
     It takes a village - neighbors helping neighbors
     Transportation - availability and types
     The Gatekeeper program - dealing with referrals.
     Housing - home share, manufactured housing, aging upgrades and senior housing
There were also 'break out' programs:
     Resource connections in Clackamas county.
     Multnomah County aging and disability services
     Mediation and civil advocacy speakers
     Financial and food security panels
     Volunteer connections
As we move forward, we anticipate more connections with AARP and the "Aging in Place" connection.

The June 1 OSTA Review should appear in members' mailboxes June 1 or shortly thereafter.  This issue is filled with ideas on saving money on your food budget. We also ask YOU to let us know when you find a deal--like a restaurant discount or senior discounts from any business. We'd like to pass on the information to others who read the blog. 

Also send us the business name and contact phone and address of any potential customers who might consider advertising in the OSTA Review.   

Chapter 900 Elects New Officers

Woodland Park Estates in Eugene elected new OSTA chapter officers at a meeting on April 19. They are, left to right,  Ralph Cook, treasurer, Judy Morton, secretary, Orval Tubbs, president, and Paul Malecki, vice-president.  Congratulations! 


Falcon Wood Village Chapter #901is pleased to announce that it has become active again, after a hiatus of several years due to unforeseen events. Lynne Keith is chapter President; Bill Triggs has again accepted the Vice-President position; Jonnie Stevens continues as Treasurer; and Carene Davis-Stitt will be Secretary. We also welcome Jackie Triggs and John Little as Members-at-Large.

At our first meeting, February 21,  we adopted new By-Laws as the first order of business, according to the OSTA Handbook.

We finalized plans for the Annual Maggie and Jiggs corned beef and cabbage St. Patrick's Day Dinner, held this yearn St. Patrick's Day, March 17.  The dinner was very successful with over 50 paid meals. Everyone had a wonderful time. We feasted on corned beef and cabbage with all the trimmings. (Thank goodness we had it catered!) We had Irish soda bread and Irish music, and some of us even danced a jig  A special thank you to Jo Pauly, who designed all the decorations and even baked three cakes!

I believe I've thanked everyone individually, but it never hurts to say it again, so Thank You to everyone who made the dinner so successful and to those who helped to re-activate our Chapter.

LEADERSHIP TRAINING COURSE in Salem hosted by Marilyn Davis

Marilyn Davis hosted a Leadership training course at Royal MHP in Salem on March 24.
Those in attendance were given an overview of MH/OSTA by Northern District Director Rita Loberger, who also guided them in the use of the website, the blog, how to obtain references as print outs, and how to use the 2011 version of Chapter 90.   Rita works with nationwide organizations on some of our common problems, including funding. The session was so successful that Marilyn and Rita hope to offer it in other areas of the state. Contact them if you're interested.


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Blogger Judy
The new Oregon Chapter 90 statutes that govern our lives in manufactured home parks are now available for purchase or for you to read, study, and/or copy from the page at the left. 

News on Adopt a School

We welcome news from manufactured home parks about their efforts and successes with "Adopt-a-School" projects. Just send summaries of your activities to the blog administrator, and we'll post them on the "Adopt-a-School Projects" page for others to see to help generate ideas. Please include your name and park name.  Feel free to contact us as often as you wish. The more ideas we get, the better.  OSTA wants to promote parks adopting schools, so the more we hear from you, the more others are going to join us to help the children.