VIDEO Introducing MH/OSTA

New OSTA REVIEWS coming soon thanks to Judy!

Judy Morton, our newest MH/OSTA board member and computer whiz, stepped in at the last minute to do the layout of the Winter, 2013, OSTA REVIEW, arriving in your mailboxes about December 5. When the edition was ready to send to the graphic arts department at the press, the editor was informed there was no longer a graphic arts department! That when a plea went out to Judy, who dropped everything and educated herself on the intricacies of laying out our 16-page newsletter.

Readers will be able to access the new edition, along with previous issues, through the listing on the left of this blog site, and see what a great job Judy did. I really, really appreciate her work, and I hope some of you readers could let her know she did good.                                                     --Jane Capron, editor