VIDEO Introducing MH/OSTA

The Summer, 2014 OSTA Quarterly Review Coming Soon!

The next issue of The OSTA Quarterly Review due out June 1, will be a bit late because we're waiting to take a picture of the Governor signing the Opportunity to Purchase bill. That is scheduled to happen on May 29 and we want to get a celebration picture to put on the front page. The Review will go to the printer on June 1, so those of you who get copies in your P.O. boxes should receive them the second week of June. Those of you who chose the email version should get it on June 1.

We always enjoy your comments that come to our P.O. box or email inboxes, especially when they're nice! And, of course, we're thrilled when you send a donation for Helping Hands and make the temperature rise on the thermometers you see to the left of your screen. We've got a long way to go to get 1,000 donations. Please count everybody in your house when you send in yours. And if your friends and relatives add a bit, be sure to count them, too. We like offering a Helping Hand and want to continue as long as we have the funds.
All of us pitching in a little helps a lot!