VIDEO Introducing MH/OSTA

2016 Annual Meeting Blues in the Night

My mama done told me; When I was in pigtails
My mama done told me hon;       A landlord ll sweet talk ;  And promise you good things
But when the sweet talking’s  done;           
A landlord is twofaced sweet talking thing who’ll
Leave you to sing;            The blues in the night
See him making friction; Hear him talk eviction       whoo wee 
My mama done told me
Talk to you legislator;   be an agitatior         whoo wee
mama done told me                     Whoo wee        whoo wee
An enforcement pack will hold back                        The blues in the night

From Medford to Salem               from Portland to Grants Pass
In towns clear across the state;      We need to fight for enforcement
Of laws to protect us           Or it’ll be our fate
To live with the two faced worrisome thing who’ll leave us t sing
The blues in the night
Hum       Humm
My mama was right

There’s blues in the night.

2016 Annual Meeting O'Billy McGee McGaw

Two park owners sat in a tree – O’Billy McGee McGaw
Two park owners sat in a tree – The were greedy as they could be
And they all flapped their wings and cried, CAW CAW CAW.
We don’t give a hoot about the law.
Said one land lord, “ Let’s increase our cash” O’Billy McGee McGaw
Said one land lord, “ Let’s increase our cash and evict from our parks white trash
And they both flapped their wings and cried CAW CAW CAW 
We don’t have to obey the law
So they made a list of great demands O’Billy McGee McGaw
So the made a list of great demands and handed out many commands
And said do them now or get off our lands CAW CAW CAW
We’re the meanest guys you ever saw.
The time is right The land lord say of O’Billy McGee McGaw
The time is right they said with mirth, to get rid of this scum and increase our worth
Let them rot on the street and beg food to eat CAW CAW CAW
We’re above the Law

And they flapped their wings and cried, CAW CAW CAW